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A's Corner of The Web

Welcome to my little corner of the web!

My theory about web pages are that they are a useful way for one to show thier creatvity and interests. I realize some feel that personal web pages are useless, however, I hope you, the reader never becomes bored by viewing these pages. I will try to update these as often as I can with pictures, journals of my travels, humor, and my interests.

New to this site
Coming soon.. new pictures, more writings, less IS more, right?? so wonder what none would be? way to much??

The web is a wonderful medium to share pictures, and show people where I have been.. And theres always editing :) I realize some may be dark, I am still experimenting.

Here you will gather insight to my sense of humor via writings, and takes on life. Be very concerned. non refundable.
Click here for my journal
My Travels
To view my web blog and read about my journeys, hear my opinions, or share a laugh, go to the "about" page. The link for my web blog is near the bottom.

Navigation Hint
The best way to navigate this site? With your eyes closed :)
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